Alpinia officinarum Hance is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine of Zingiberaceae. Part of its rhizome can be used as medicine to disperse cold, relieve pain and help digestion.
Alpinia Officinarum Care
Alpinia Officinarum
Other names: Greater Galangal

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How to Care for the Plant
Being a tropical plant, it does like humidity, so if growing in a naturally dry place consider placing it near a fountain or pond.
To keep your growing galangal plant looking healthy you can prune away brown, dead leaves or bloomed-out flower stalks with some clean pruning shears. New growth will continue. But note that galangal will not die back like ginger. Browning can be an indication of a problem such as underwatering.
Ensuring plants are well watered and fertilized will make them less vulnerable to these pests. Unhealthy plants attract more pests.
Full sun
Plant the galangal rhizome when soil has warmed in the spring.
10°F/ -12°C
Plant one rhizome per gallon-size container.
Alpinia officinarum, known as lesser galangal, is a plant in the ginger family, cultivated in Southeast Asia. It originated in China, where its name ultimately derives. It can grow 1.5 to 2 m high, with long leaves and reddish-white flowers.
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