This beautiful small tree will create a sense of mystery in your home. These plants are a delight for gardeners of all levels of expertise.
Chinese Sweet Plum Care
Sageretia theezans

Chinese Sweet Plums are small bonsai trees from the Rhamnaceae family originating in China. These leafy friends can be identified by their small green to red leaves, delicate bark, and beautiful purple fruits that it blooms.
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How to Care for the Plant
Only water your Chinese Sweet Plums when the soil is beginning to dry. However, don't wait until the soil is arid, or your greenie will be thirsty.
Don't let new shoots grow too long, or this will ruin the classic bonsai aesthetic of the tree. Remove unwanted shoots with a pair of small sharp shears.
An even fertilizer explicitly formulated for bonsai trees will keep this leafy friend happy.
Avoid too much direct sunlight. We recommend placing your plant in well-lit areas, not directly in the sun.
Use a standard soil mix which should retain enough water but at the same time offer good drainage.
Remove shoots around 3.5 inches (9 cm) in length and place them in nutritious soil. Mist them with a spray bottle until roots appear.
Keep this small tree out of extreme heat at all costs; anything freezing or below will cause damage.
Sageretias require a new pot every few years, or they will stop growing and remain the size appropriate to their container. Make sure the vessel has proper drainage!
Fun fact
Chinese Sweet Plums are easy to grow and maintain making them perfect for new gardeners.
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