Begonia 'Royal Velour' is also known as the painted leaf begonia and the Begonia rex. The foliage is striking in both colour and shape. Exotic tropical plant that is easy to care for. Can produce small flowers but the plant is grown for its foliage rather than flowers.
Begonia Royal Velour Care
Begonia 'royal Velour'

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How to Care for the Plant
Lives high humidity. Spray the air around the plant with misted water in order to keep the foliage looking fresh.
Leaf cuttings: cut a healthy leaf in early summer. Starting at the base of the leaf and using the veins as a guide, cut the leaf into triangular sections, ensuring the central veins stay intact. Insert the tip of each section into compost, ensuring the main vein is in contact with the growing medium and the leaf is upright. Keep covered and place on a bright windowsill where the temperature remains between 16 to 27°C. Roots should appear within two months.
Likes a light position but out of full sun for best leaf colourings.
Day temperature: 10-30 °C Night temperature: 12-18 °C Temperature max: 30 °C
Begonia 'Royal Velour' is also known as the painted leaf begonia and the Begonia rex. The foliage is striking in both colour and shape. Exotic tropical plant that is easy to care for.
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