This is the odd crested and variegated in creamy-yellow clone of the monstrous form of Trichocereus bridgesii (a.k.a. “Crested variegated Penis Cactus”) It is one of the rarest and more fascinating crested cacti sought after by cactus impassioned. This cultivar is stable and remain mostly monstrous.
Trichocereus Bridgesii Forma Monstrose Inermis Care
Trichocereus Bridgesii F. Monstruosus
Other names: Monstrose Bolivian Torch

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How to Care for the Plant
Water the plants well and allow them to dry before watering again. This cultivar seems to do better with a little more water than most cacti. In fact, its cultivation requirements are really more like 'normal' plants than most other cacti.
During the growing season fertilize them monthly with a balanced fertilizer
Be sure the soil is well drained and winter watering is kept to a minimum.
These guys are potted in their plastic 4″ containers.
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