This plant is quite variable in appearance. There are a number of wild and cultivated varieties. The leaves are lobed and usually coated in glandular hairs. They are green to reddish-green or purple-green in color and may have very long, gland-dotted petioles. The plant produces an erect inflorescence up to a meter high bearing many clusters of pink, white, or greenish flowers. Each rounded flower has fleshy, hairy lobes tipped with tiny petals and protruding stamens and stigma.
Palace Purple Coral Bells Care
Heuchera Micrantha Var. diversifolia 'palace Purple')

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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly - weekly, or more often in extreme heat or containers.
Remove coral bell blooms as soon as they begin to wilt. Cut them at the base of the stem with pruning shears. This encourages more flowering and more foliage growth. Remove any dead or damaged foliage with shears before regrowth begins in the early spring.
Fertilize Palace Purple with a 5-10-5 fertilizer in spring, if desired. Fertilizer is not required, but it can help spur a poorly growing plant into a new flush of healthy growth. Apply 1/2 to 1 pound of fertilizer per 25 square feet.
Ensure that the Palace Purple plant gets several hours of sun for optimal foliage color. The plant grows well in shade, but two to three hours of sun a day deepens the color of the leaves.
Add a 1- to 2-inch layer of organic matter to the soil around your plant in the spring. Cover the area 4 to 6 inches outward from the plant's base, but leave about 1 inch of space at the base to maintain air circulation and prevent the risk of rot. A Palace Purple plant grows in a variety of soils as long as it is drains well, but it prefers rich soil with added compost or manure, says the Missouri Botanical Garden.
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