Lime Zinger' is a compact, mound-forming, succulent, evergreen perennial bearing rosettes of broadly ovate to rounded, bright to grey-green leaves with red margins and short stems bearing terminal clusters of pink flowers in late summer and early autumn.
Lime Sparkler Care
Hylotelephium 'lime Zinger'

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How to Care for the Plant
Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Never let your succulents sit in water. Do NOT water on the leaves. If you water from beneath by letting the plant sit in a saucer of water, make sure to pour off any excess water after a few minutes. The hotter it is outside, the faster your soil will dry out, so you’ll need to water more often if you live in a hot area. Water with caution in winter, as the plant can lose its roots if the soil stays cold and wet for extended periods; protect from frost to prevent scarring.
Bright, filtered light and ample airflow.
Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Drought/Dry Soil.
Provide porous soil with adequate drainage, pots with drainage hole are recommended.
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