Euphorbia alluaudii, also known as Euphorbia leucodendron, is a spineless suсculent shrub with narrow, pale green, cylindrical, jointed stems, first erect then arch outwards to form a mass as wide as tall. It grows up to 12 feet (3.6 m) tall. In summer, the stems are tipped with many green, up to 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) long leaves. Theеy are dotted with brown marks where the leaves were previously attached. At stem tips in spring and summer appear tiny yellow-green flower structures (cyathia) that hold the even smaller flowers. The fruits are red and somewhat heart-shaped.
Cat Tails Euphorbia Care
Euphorbia Alluaudii

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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly during the active growing season. No water should ever be allowed to stand around the roots. Keep almost completely dry in winter. Care must be given in watering, keeping them warm and wet while growing, and cooler and dry when dormant.
It can be pruned for shape and branching and trim off the dead 'arms'.
This plant has an excellent heat tolerance, and need full sun to light shade exposures, but can tolerate shade. However, shade grown plants will tend to produce fewer, and etiolated growth. The color of this plant is much more marked if grown in full sun. But if it is possible to keep the growth of this species compact, with denser, shorter stems such plants can be outright attractive.
Light and free draining
Frost tender, it can withstand temperatures only above 2º C.
Re-pot every two years. It like quite small pots, repot in early spring.
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