Heart-shaped leaves, pointed and hairy, measuring about 7 - 20 cm long and 6 - 17 cm wide. Red to orange flowers in terminal panicles, each inflorescence cluster can be up to 45 cm tall. Fruit is fleshy and turns from red to dark purple, contains one seed.
Clerodendrum Buchananii Care
Clerodendrum Buchananii
Other names: Kembang, Bogang, Java Glorybower

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Regular Water
Due to its rangey nature you'll need to keep it trimmed back on a regualr basis or alternatively a big (30%) pruning after flowering.
Add feritlizer and prune once a year, put mulch to keep soil moist
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Full sun
Deep, moist, fertile and well drained soil - though will adapt to most conditions except boggy.
Average amount of water
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