Deciduous tree/shrub, 30-40 ft, (9-12 m), often multi-stemmed. Leaves alternate, simple, broad-obovate to obovate, 8-15 cm long, half as wide, abruptly pointed, tapering to cuneate at the base, dark green above and lighter below. Flowers buds, 2.5-4 cm long, silky gray, pubescent. Flowers are white, slightly fragrant, about 13 cm across, with 6(9) petals, with faint purple at the base.
Kobus Magnolia Care
Magnolia Kobus

Interestingly, the fact that the magnolia flower is warm to the touch. It feels good in the morning when it's still cool outside. It is confirmed that the temperature inside the magnolia flower is almost 10 ° C higher than the ambient temperature. This is not typical for plants. There is no scientific explanation for this yet.
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How to Care for the Plant
Kobus magnolia does well with average watering patterns—about 1 inch per week, through a combination of irrigation and rainfall.
Magnolias can benefit from light fertilizing in spring in the early years of growth. A cup of granular balanced fertilizer applied around the base of the plant in the first three years is recommended, but after this, it is best to avoid fertilizers altogether.
Plant this tree in full sun or part shade.
Kobus magnolia prefers moist but well-draining soil, and it does best in neutral to slightly acid conditions.
This tree does fairly well in all conditions found in its hardiness range, provided it gets proper water and is grown in well-drained soil. It has moderate tolerance for drought. Late cold spells can damage flower buds in spring, but this does not permanently damage the tree.
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