Galanthus plicatus is a bulbous perennial plant, growing to about 15 cm tall. Its leaves are bluish or greyish green, broader than many other species of Galanthus, up to 2 cm wide. The leaf edges are folded back away from the upper surface of the leaf, both in bud and after they expand. The nodding white flowers appear in spring and have six white tepals. The outer three are all white, 2–3 cm long; the inner three are shorter and notched, with a green mark above the notch, often extending to beyond the middle of the tepal. In G. plicatus subsp. byzantinus, the inner tepals also have a green mark at the base.
Crimean Snowdrop Care
Galanthus Plicatus

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How to Care for the Plant
Light to moderate water. Soil should remain moist throughout the growing season.
Remove leaves only after they have completely died back.
Wild-growing snowdrops fend for themselves quite well, but if they are growing in planter beds or containers, they will benefit from a potassium-rich fertilizer. This should be applied every 7-10 days from the time foliage appears until it begins to yellow and wilt. A mulch of compost in autumn can also help nourish the growing bulbs.
Full sun to light shade.
Moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Ingestion may cause mild stomach upset and skin contact may irritate.
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