B. multiplex forms a medium sized clump with slender culms (stems) and dense foliage. This bamboo is suitable for hedges and live fences since the stems and foliage form a dense growth that create an effective barrier. The height of the stems under ideal conditions is about 10 ft. Propagation is through rhizome offsets and rooted culm (stem) cuttings. Micro propagation too is feasible through axillary bud proliferation.
Philodendron 'golden Goddess' Care
Golden Goddess Philodendron

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How to Care for the Plant
Like many other aroids, this vine is sensitive to overwatering. Be sure to let the top couple of inches of the potting mix dry before watering again. It holds up reasonably well to drought, but looks and grows best if the potting mix isn't allowed to dry out.
Pruning this vine typically is not necessary. If desired, you can pinch off the new growth to encourage it to branch and become fuller, rather than putting all its energy from one main shoot.
Fertilize Golden Goddess in spring and summer, if you wish. Use a fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants. Just be sure to follow the directions on the product packaging. Never apply more fertilizer than the instructions recommend. Over fertilization can cause root damage.
It adapts well to almost any light conditions, except direct sun
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