This plant is one of nature’s wonders. It brings with it a big secret: a corrider system inside the tube. In the tropics, ants live inside the tubes, they work together with the plant to get nutrition. The ants get nutrition from the plant, and the plant gets nutrition from the excrements of the ants. They live in symbiosis. However, in our living rooms they do not, the corridors are empty. The ants are gone and now the plant has a mystery inside of it: empty corridors like in a maze. The plant has become a Maze plant! Nature is full of surprises! The Mazeplant needs water once a week. The soil needs to be slightly damp constantly, but must not be wet. This plant is a slow grower and therefore needs little nutrition. The Mazeplant may have light, but not direct sunlight.
Maze Plant Care
Hydnophytum Papuanum

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How to Care for the Plant
Maze plant is able to store water in its caudex, giving it the ability to survive several weeks without water if necessary. That said, it grows best if watered regularly as the potting mix dries to the touch. Take care not to overwater. It is rather susceptible to rot, especially if overwatered and grown in low light.
Pruning usually isn't necessary.
You can fertilize your maze plant in the spring and summer months if you wish it to produce more or faster growth. Any general-purpose fertilizer labeled for use on houseplants will work. Just be sure not to exceed the directions on the product's packaging.
Maze plant tolerates low and medium light, but grows best in bright, indirect light. As such, you can grow it in just about any room of your home or office. It doesn't require natural light -- it can be as happy under fluorescent or LED lights as it would be on a window sill.
In situations where the air is particularly dry (such as homes with forced-air heat in the winter), growing it over a pebble tray, under a cloche, or grouped with other houseplants can provide more moisture in the air to help it thrive.
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