Sedeveria 'Roly'is an intergeneric hybrid between Sedum and Echeveria. It is a clump-forming succulent with rosettes of waxy, bright green leaves. The leaves turn pinkish-yellow in the sun with colder temperatures in winter but are green in summer or when grown in shade.
Sedeveria Rolly Care
Sedeveria 'rolly'

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How to Care for the Plant
Don’t water your sedeveria plants too much and, in areas that get some rain, don’t irrigate them at all
X Sedeveria ‘Rolly’ succulents need strong light. When planting this succulent type in a garden, make sure it gets sunlight. Full to partial sun is the best for its growth. It is better to grow outdoor rather than indoor.
Plant sedeveria succulents in well-draining soil in a sun-dappled location
It’s important to check your hardiness zone if you want to start growing sedeveria outside, since some only thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11
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