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Fern East Indian Holly Care

Arachniodes Simplicior

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Fern East Indian Holly 1
What is the plant

Arachniodes simplicior, commonly known as East Indian holly fern or shield fern, is a rhizomatous evergreen fern with bipinnate, ovate-triangular fronds. It typically grows to 1-2’ tall and to 1-3’ wide. It is native to woodland streambanks, crevices in cliffs, wet rocks, thickets, and open forested areas in China and Japan. It was introduced into South Carolina where it subsequently naturalized to form a stable population. Arachniodes aristata and Aspidium aristatum var. simplicius are synonyms. Genus name comes from the Greek word arachne meaning a spider in reference to the spidery aspect of the clusters of spore capsules.

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Part Sun

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

7 - 10




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    New plantings should be watered daily for a couple of weeks. After that, depending on the weather and soil type, watering may be adjusted to every two or three days. Clay soils hold moisture longer than sandy soils, so expect to water more frequently in sandy settings.

  • Pruning


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    Depending on the flowering habit, snip off faded blooms individually, or wait until the blooming period is over and remove entire flower stalk down to the base of the plant. Removing old flower stems keeps the plant’s energy focused on vigorous growth instead of seed production.

  • Fertilizer


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    Incorporate fertilizer into the soil when preparing beds for new plants. Established plants should be fed in early spring, then again halfway through the growing season. Avoid applying fertilizer late in the growing season. This stimulates new growth that can be easily damaged by early frosts.

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  • Sunlight


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    Although it grows in full shade, holly fern does just fine in partial, but not punishing sunlight. Indoors, place the plant in bright, indirect light.

  • Soil


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    Growing holly ferns from a starter plant or divided plant is remarkably simple. The plant prefers well-drained, acidic soil with a pH between 4.0 and 7.0, and thrives in rich soil high in organic matter. Dig in two or three inches (5 to 7.5 cm.) of compost or other organic material, especially if your soil is clay-based.

  • Popularity


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    17 people already have this plant 5 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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