Teucrium scorodonia reaches on average 30–60 centimetres (12–24 in) of height. It is a hairy shrub with erect and branched stems. The leaves are petiolate, irregularly toothed, triangular-ovate to oblong shaped, lightly wrinkled. The inflorescence is composed by one-sided (all flowers "look" at the same side) pale green or yellowish flowers bearing four stamens with reddish or violet filaments. These flowers grow in the axils of the upper leaves and are hermaphrodite, tomentose and bilabiate but lack an upper lip, as all Teucrium ones. The flowering period extends from June through August. These plants are mainly pollinated by Hymenoptera species.
Teucrium Scorodonia Care
Teucrium Scorodonia
Other names: Wood Sage

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How to Care for the Plant
The biggest maintenance requirement of Russian sage is pruning. The flowers form on new wood -- branches that grew during the current season.
Areas where the ground routinely freezes and thaws throughout the winter will benefit from a layer of mulch applied after the ground initially freezes. It's a good idealto add a handful of compost in the planting hole when you are first starting lavender plants.
Russian sage needs full sun to bloom well. Since it is drought tolerant, once it is established, it can handle dry, hot areas well.
Grow it in light, well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. It will however tolerate heavier and slightly alkaline soils.
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