Found in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janiero, Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul states of Brazil in the southeast Atlantic forest at elevations of 500 to 1800 meters, in shaded and humid places as a small sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with clustered, oblong-conical, slightly compressed, ridged pseudobulbs carrying 1 or 2 apical, erect, rigid, oblong to oblong-ligulate, subacute leaves that are deep green above and paler below and blooms in the spring, summer and fall on a basal, 10 to 18" long, paniculate inflorescence with 6 to 10, spreading, subdistichous, slender branches carrying 7 to 20 flowers each, all held in the apical half and having membraneous floral bracts.
Oncidium Longicornu Care
Oncidium Longicornu

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Plants should be watered thoroughly with lukewarm to room temperature water every two to ten days, when the planting media is half dry
Oncidiums are light-loving orchids, with some able to handle direct, full sun. The vast majority will do well placed near an east, west, or south facing window with a sheer curtain to diffuse the light and provide the dappled shade these tree-growing orchids are used to.
They thrive at 60-65° F at night, and 70-85° F during the day.
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