A dense small shrub, which is a compact form of Brown Boronia- Boronia megastigma. This is an outstanding cut flower plant with delightful perfume. Prune straight after flowering. Needs a well drained slightly acid soil and can be short lived, but worth using as a potted plant for the wonderful scent while in bloom. Best in part shade, lightly dappled shade is perfect, also needs shelter from wind. Keep the soil moist but it dislikes being too wet. It likes a cool undisturbed root run, so some mulch is beneficial, and some rocks or a couple of bricks on the soil surface help too.
Prosthanera Poorinda Ballerina Care
Boronia Megastigma Heaven Scent’

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How to Care for the Plant
Does require adequate water during hot summers, and be sure to water the shrub weekly during its initial growing season to help it develop strong roots.
You can shear the plant two or three times during the spring and summer months to promote a denser, more compact growth and heavier bloom.
12-12-12 fertilizer each year before its new shoots emerge in the spring. Just be sure to apply the fertilizer at the manufacturer's recommended rate.
It prefers full sun, it can tolerate light shade--however, your plant may not be as full and lush.
These plants require heavier soils than some of the other related plants, which means it is not prone to rot in heavy soil.
The plant is a warm-weather plant that is considered a late bloomer, as it comes to life at the end of summer and into the early fall. It can tolerate drought and is suitable for warmer climates.
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