The ficus Bonsai tree is an indoor tree that does not endure frosty conditions. It can be kept outside in the summer as long as temperatures are above 60°F (15°C). It requires a lot of light, preferably full sunlight, so be sure not to place it in a shady location. The temperature should be kept relatively constant. Figs can endure low humidity due to their thick, waxy leaves, but they prefer higher humidity and need extremely high humidity to develop aerial roots. The Ficus should be watered normally, which means it should be given water generously whenever the soil gets slightly dry. The Bonsai Ficus prefers room temperature soft water and it can tolerate occasional over, or underwatering. We advise daily misting to maintain humidity, but too much misting can create fungal problems. The warmer the placement of the fig during winter the more water it needs. If it’s kept in a cooler place it only needs to be kept slightly moist. Continue reading about watering Bonsai trees.
Brussel's Bonsai Gensing Grafted Ficus Care
Brussel's Bonsai Gensing Grafted Ficus

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How to Care for the Plant
A ginseng ficus will tolerate some over or under watering, but aim to keep soil moderately moist throughout the summer and back off a little in the winter. To make the air more humid, set the tree on a tray filled with pebbles and water. Just make sure the roots aren't sitting in water.
Ginseng ficus pruning isn't difficult. The art of bonsai is to trim and shape the tree with your own aesthetic in mind. In terms of how much to trim, the general rule is to take off two to three leaves for every six new leaves that grow and develop. Always leave two or three leaves on a branch at least.
Fertilizing : Fertilize every two weeks during summer, and every four weeks during winter if the growth doesn't stop. Liquid fertilizer can be used as well as organic fertilizer pellets. Pruning: Regular pruning is necessary to retain the tree's shape. Prune back to 2 leaves after 6-8 leaves have grown.
The ficus Bonsai tree is an indoor tree that does not endure frosty conditions. It can be kept outside in the summer as long as temperatures are above 60°F (15°C).
Species: ficus "ginseng" varieties have Fat trunks, with substantial exposed roots, giving the tree a very Exotic and tropical feel. Gensing grafted ficus trees embody strength, with grafted branches displaying full clusters of compact foliage and Glossy, Oval leaves.
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