is an evergreen perennial succulent, with a rosette of fleshy leaves growing up to 40 centimetres (16 in) in diameter. is cultivated as an ornamental plant for rock gardens and as a potted plant. In cooler temperate regions, it must be kept indoors for the winter, as it does not tolerate temperatures of −4 °C (25 °F) and below. Echeveria are popular low growing ornamental garden plants. Although they are fairly drought tolerant, they will become more spectacular with regular deep watering and fertilising. The hybrids tend to be less tolerant of frost and shade. In temperate climates, most species will lose their lower leaves in winter and become 'leggy' and less attractive. 'Ileene' is a hybrid of E. pulidonis x E. chihuahuaensis. Yellow flowers on shepherds crook stalks.
Echeveria Puli-lindsayana Care
Echeveria 'puli-lindsayana'

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How to Care for the Plant
To water Echeveria properly, completely wet the soil all the way through by watering thoroughly a couple of times. This ensures that the whole soil column gets wet. Then allow it to dry completely before watering again for healthy roots. Avoid keeping the soil damp, and always use fast draining soil.
Echeveria, Graptopetalum, Crassula, Aeonium, Yucca, and other long-stem or multi-branched succulents can be kept compact with occasional pruning. Because new growth typically sprouts near the end of cut ends, simply prune stems to where you want new growth to emerge
Use a slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of spring, or a liquid fertilizer diluted 2-4 times more than normal and used less often than recommended. Use a low nitrogen mix or a cactus fertilizer. Remember that it is a lot easier to over-fertilize succulents than to under-fertilize.
These plants love light.
The Ideal growing temperatures are between 50° – 70° degrees Fahrenheit.
Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats, Non-Toxic to Horses
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