Papaver setigerum reaches on average 20–80 centimetres (7.9–31.5 in) in height. The stem is erect and the leaves are simple, oblong, the lower ones are sessile, deeply lobed and toothed, the higher ones shortly pedunculated. The flowers at the apex of the stem are hermaphroditic, actinomorphic ("star shaped", "radial"), 4 to 10 cm in diameter. The corolla forms a cup with four pink-purple petals, with a dark purple blotch at the base. It has several stamens with dark filaments holding yellow anthers. Flowering occurs from May through June. The fruits are glabrous capsules 2 to 3 cm long, dehiscent along the holes located under the apical disc. The kidney-shaped seeds are about 1 mm wide.
Papaver Setigerum Care
Papaver Setigerum
Other names: Dwarf Breadseed Poppy

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How to Care for the Plant
No pruning required but deadhead if seed is not required
Fertilization. Poppies do not usually need fertilizer although an abundance of nitrogen in the soil can cause them to have a profusion of leafy growth instead of flowers. In this case, a phosphorous-rich fertilizer can help balance the soil nutrients to encourage flowering.
Papaver setigerum, common name poppy of Troy or dwarf breadseed poppy, is a herbaceous annual plant of the family Papaveraceae. This plant is closely related to and sometimes treated as a subspecies of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). In fact it produces a very small amount of morphine alkaloids.
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