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Masdevallia Care

Masdevallia Veitchiana

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What is the plant

This cool to cold growing, large, terrestrial, sometimes lithophytic or rarely epiphytic, tufted species with erect leaves is found at a height of between 2,000 and 4,000 metres, including around Machu Picchu in Peru, on steep rocky slopes covered with grasses and shrubs in full sun but with the leaves protected by the grass with short ramicauls enveloped by a series of tubular bracts with a linear-oblanceolate, tapered to the channelled petiolate base, acute, thick leaf that blooms in the spring and early summer with an erect, 39 to 44 cm. long, single flowered inflorescence carrying two distant, tubular bracts and a single inflated tubular, ovate floral bract with the long-lasting flowers held way above the leaves. The unequal colour distribution apparent in M. veitchiana is accorded to the presence of minute purple hairs on the sepals which lend a prismatic visual aspect to the flower. Viewed head-on with the light behind you, the colour is symmetrical. This species has orange flowers covered in a pattern of small purple hairs that create a kind of iridescence as the flower moves in the breezes. The blooms are very large, approximately 5 cm. X 15 cm.

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15°C - 18°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10 - 11






Cold Period

How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Unlike some orchids that require a drying out period, Masdevallia grow throughout the entire year and must be kept evenly moist. Drench the plant in the early morning and let them dry out before nightfall. Once a week watering during the winter and twice a week during summer is normally sufficient.

  • Pruning


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  • Fertilizer


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    High-nitrogen fertilizers (25-9-9) can be used year-round at one teaspoon per gallon of water. Feed once a month.

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  • Sunlight


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    Masdevallias can be kept in light intensities up to 2,500 foot-candles if the growing area can be kept cool.

  • Soil


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    Masdevallia will do well in only sphagnum moss, or a bark mix comprising of fine bark, moss, perlite and change the ratio of the three to suit your conditions. So if your plants dry very quickly then add more moss for example.

  • Temperature


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    Temperature: The ideal day temperature is 75-80 degrees F., while the ideal night temperature is 60-65 degrees F. Occasional temperature extremes are tolerated if exposure is not prolonged. As long as you keep the temperature reasonable, you should have a healthy plant.

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  • Additional


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    Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats, Non-Toxic to Horses Masdevallia, genus of more than 500 species of tropical American orchids (family Orchidaceae).Most species are epiphytes, though some grow in soil or attached to rocks. They have short stems and erect or slightly spreading leaves that arise from a creeping rhizome.

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