Begonia is one of the largest genera of flowering plants.The species are terrestrial (sometimes epiphytic) herbs or undershrubs, and occur in subtropical and tropical moist climates, in South and Central America, Africa, and southern Asia. Terrestrial species in the wild are commonly upright-stemmed, rhizomatous, or tuberous. The plants are monoecious, with unisexual male and female flowers occurring separately on the same plant; the male contains numerous stamens, and the female has a large inferior ovary and two to four branched or twisted stigmas. In most species, the fruit is a winged capsule containing numerous minute seeds, although baccate fruits are also known. The leaves, which are often large and variously marked or variegated, are usually asymmetric (unequal-sided).
Begonia “silver Dollar” Care
Begonia “silver Dollar”

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How to Care for the Plant
These can grow in artificial light like fluorescent, although experiences vary. Let the top of the soil dry before watering again. They enjoy a good soak, but need to dry out mostly between watering. They like warmer temperatures and should not be subjected to under 60 degrees.
Silver Dollar vine doesn’t need much fertilizer, and not very often. During active growth, fertilize with a balanced fertilizer once a month. No need to fertilize in winter.
Begonias enjoy lots of bright indirect light, but no direct sun. These can grow in artificial light like fluorescent, although experiences vary.
Soil for flowers, or african violet soil
They enjoy a good soak, but need to dry out mostly between watering. They like warmer temperatures and should not be subjected to under 60 degrees.
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