The plant is robust and about 4 m tall with a yellowish-green foliage and reddish tinged pseudostem. The sheath is smudged with blackish-brown and is without wax when mature, unlike Musa nagensium which has thick wax deposits in the pseudostem sheaths. The bases of the lamina bear a red-purple colour when young, which gradually fades, latest on the midrib. The inflorescence far outshoots the pseudostem, producing an oblique fruit bunch.[3] The fruits are described as lax, arising from large, brown callosities on axis, angled at maturity. The pulp is scanty, dirty white to pale brownish-pink. Flowering and fruiting takes place from October to April.
Musa Sikkemensis Red Tiger Care
Musa Sikkemensis Red Tiger

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How to Care for the Plant
The Darjeeling banana tree's tropical nature is revealed by its need for moisture—and lots of it. Be sure to keep it well watered, particularly when it is hot and sunny. Indoor banana trees also appreciate a consistent watering schedule.
No pruning required. Remove spent foliage and cut back in autumn if desired.
Banana trees aren’t picky when it comes to fertilizer, so a slow-release, well-balanced fertilizer will do. However, banana trees don’t do well with a lot of salt, so steer away from cheaper fertilizers that may contain salts in large amounts. Fertilize monthly during the growing season to help encourage growth.
Moist but well-drained soil
The trunk will completely freeze and come back in the spring if the frost does not get too deep into the ground. At temperatures below + 5 ° C degrees the growth of the banana stops, at -2 ° C degrees the leaves break. The stem freezes at even lower temperatures.
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