Soap aloes are easily cared for and are beautiful plants. They require minimal attention, and their evergreen foliage will last throughout the year while their flowers bloom several times annually.
Soap Aloe Care
Aloe maculata

Soap aloe, also referred to as zebra aloe, is a succulent and a member of the Asphodelaceae family. It originates from southern Africa. Soap aloe is identified by its green and white spotted thick triangular leaves that grow in a circular formation. The leaves have small thorns, and the plant blooms with tall pink and orange colored flowers.
This perennial plant is an evergreen, which keeps its foliage throughout the year. It also flowers throughout the year, and while the foliage tends only to grow 18 inches (46 cm), its flowers can reach around 3 feet (91 cm) tall.
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How to Care for the Plant
Soap aloe do best in dry conditions, and over-watering can significantly damage them. We recommend 1 inch (2.45 cm) of water once a week. Make sure the soil is entirely dry before watering.
Aside from removing dead leaves and flowers, you won't need to prune your soap aloe.
Water-soluble fertilizer with higher levels of phosphorus works best with these succulents. Make sure to feed them no more than once a month, and watch for salt buildup, as this damages the plant.
Soap aloe does great in indirect sunlight. However, it can also do well in pretty shady conditions.
Neutral soil works well for soap aloe, though slight acidity is fine, while slight alkalinity is preferred. These guys also love soil that drains quickly, so make sure to add a mix with pieces of wood, rocks, coconut fiber, etc., as this will keep them nice and dry.
The easiest method for propagation is removing the little buds that grow around your soap aloe; you can think of these as its babies. Remove them, place them in a small container and treat them like any other soap aloe.
When growing seeds, plant in high nutrients, quickly draining soil, and ensure to keep moist and in medium light.
Soap aloe enjoys mildly hot weather, around 70-80°F (21-27°C). However, it can withstand temperatures just above freezing.
We recommend using heavy clay pots as they do not retain water and help ground the plant's weight. Make sure the container drains well, and smaller pots around 4 inches (10 cm) work well for these guys!
Fun fact
Soap Aloe are hardy plants that are incredibly resistant to illnesses and insects. However, they are susceptible to scale infestations.
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