Scrophulariales - an extensive family of plants from the class Dicotyledons. Perennial grasses, shrubs, or trees. The leaves are mostly alternate, less often opposite or whorled. Flowers in inflorescences or single, bisexual; calyx usually 4-5-lobed or 4-5-separate; corolla mostly irregular, often double-lobed, 4-5 or rarely 6-8-lobed. The ovary is upper. The fruit is mostly a box.
Lamiaceae Care

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How to Care for the Plant
doesnt need much watering, easy to care
Generally easy to look after, though often on the tender or near-tender side, the only real task for the gardener is to prune them each year. In the UK this must be done in spring between April and May depending on where you are in the country (south earlier, north later), leaving the old stems on through winter to protect the plant and prevent fungal infections on cut stems.
Lamiaceae are characterized as herbs or shrubs, often aromatic with ethereal oils, with usually four-sided stems, opposite or whorled leaves, a verticillaster, or thyrse inflorescence (flower solitary and axillary in some), and zygomorphic (rarely actinomorphic), usually bilabiate flowers having a superior ovary
Bring the pungent evergreen foliage of rosemary onto your deck or patio by growing it in containers.
The Mint family (Lamiaceae) is probably one of the safest in the world. However, several members can be toxic in high dosages or in the case of pregnancy including Creeping Charley (Glechoma hederacea), Perilla (Perilla frutescens), Germander (Teucrium spp.) Lamiaceae or Labiatae, also known as the mint family, is a family of plants. It includes about 210 genera and about 3,500 species. Many of the plants are aromatic in all parts and include widely used culinary herbs, such as basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla.
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