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Aeschynanthus Lipstick Black Pagoda Care

Aeschynanthus Longicaulis \'black Pagoda\'

Aeschynanthus Lipstick Black Pagoda main
Aeschynanthus Lipstick Black Pagoda 0
Aeschynanthus Lipstick Black Pagoda 1
What is the plant

Aeschynanthus longicaulis is grown mainly for its beautiful foliage. The dark green leaves, covered with a yellow grid of veins, resemble the skin of a snake in a pattern. On the underside, the leaf has a reddish-chocolate hue. The flowers are not very expressive, their green tubes are about 3 cm covered with brown spots. Often this species is found under another name, Aeschynanthus marmoratus (Aeschynanthus marmoratus). This small semi-shrub is widely distributed in Burma, Vietnam, Thailand and peninsular Malaysia, growing there as an epiphyte on trees or on the ground in rough, organic-rich soil. When hybridizing E. longicaulis and E. magnificent (A. speciosus), a remarkable and very popular variety Black Pagoda was obtained, which absorbed the best features of both species, from E. long – stemmed-beautiful marble foliage, and from E. magnificent-corymbs of yellow-orange flowers. For the normal growth of this hybrid, good lighting is required.

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Part Sun



18°C - 20°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

max 13b






Cold period

How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Although lipstick plant like consistent moisture, particularly during their most prolific growing period, overwatering and saturated conditions can lead to root rot, leaf drop, and fungal issues.

  • Pruning


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    With its cascading habit, pruning of the stems can help to prevent the plant from looking straggly. It can also help to encourage new and healthy growth and a fuller appearanc

  • Fertilizer


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    Your lipstick plant will appreciate regular applications of a slow-release fertilizer during the growing season.

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  • Sunlight


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    Bright indirect light.

  • Soil


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    The right soil makes a world of difference when it comes to watering lipstick flower vine. The University of Georgia Extension recommends using potting soil specific to gesnariad plants, such as African violets, although any soil mixture enhanced with sphagnum moss will help hold moisture around the roots. Avoid sandy potting mixes because they won't provide the correct moisture retention. Moisture-retaining soil is especially important for lipstick flower vines that are grown in hanging pots because the limited soil volume means they will dry out more quickly than those grown in larger pots.

  • Additional


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    Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats, Non-Toxic to Horses.

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  • Popularity


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    136 people already have this plant 22 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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