Larix Lyallii - kind of coniferous tree from the kind of larch family Pine. In culture in England since 1904, rarely. Not recorded in the USSR.
Larix Lyallii Care
Larix Lyallii
Other names: Subalpine Larch, Lyall Larch

A tree up to 25 m high and a trunk diameter of 30-50 (up to 100) cm, with a conical crown and long, often weeping branches . The bark is longitudinally furrowed, young shoots are grayish, densely fluffy. The buds are densely pubescent, with ciliated scales. The needles are 25-35 (up to 50) mm long, rhombic in cross-section, bluish-green, tough. Male spikelets are reddish. Cones are ovate-cylindrical, 35-50 mm long, about 20 mm in diameter. Seed scales are dark purple, fringed along the edge, pubescent; the covering scales are dark purple, elliptical-lanceolate, straight. The seeds, together with a pale pink wing, are about 10 mm long.
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