Tamarack - kind of coniferous tree from the kind of larch family Pine. It was brought to Europe in 1737, to Russia , probably at the beginning of the 19th century. In Western Europe, it is recognized as one of the best decorative larch trees by the nature of branching and the duration of the period, although it is rarely cultivated.
Tamarack Care
Larix Laricina

A tree with a height of 12-24 (up to 30) m and a trunk diameter of 30-60 cm. The crown is conical, formed by serpentine-curved branches of the first order and small hanging shoots . The bark of young shoots is orange-brown or brown-yellow, glabrous or rarely pubescent, with a bluish bloom; on old trunks - gray to reddish-brown, thin, fine-scaly, The buds are reddish and open later than in other types of larch. Needles from 6 to 40 mm long, usually 15-30 mm, 0.5-0.6 mm wide. Cones are oblong-oval, 10-20 mm long, violet-red before ripening, chestnut-brown when ripe, dry, narrowly open; covered with 13-38 seed scales arranged in three to four rows. Seed scales glabrous, with a finely toothed upper edge slightly bent inward; the covering scales protrude because of the seed only at the base of the cones. Seeds are 3 mm long, with a light brown wing about 6 mm long. There are about 200 thousand seeds in 1 kg. It blooms in mid-May at the same time as the needles bloom. Fruiting every two to four years.
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