Illicium floridanum (also known as purple anise, Florida anise, stink-bush, or star-anise) is an evergreen shrub native to the southeastern United States, especially Florida and Louisiana
The Florida anise tree has large evergreen lance shaped leaves that are lustrous and dark green.[3]When crushed the leaf has a sweet odor, described as being "anise-like".[3] The leaf of this plant has a parallel main vein.[4] Within the leaf of this shrub, a flower also grows. The flower has 20 to 30 maroon-colored petals. The petals are typically 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter.[3] The flower is attractive, and it is often overlooked within the lush shiny foliage, but has a fish-like odor.[5] If the flower is ripe, the seed explodes out of the star-shaped fruit. This plant has a variety that can be produced in cultivation through selective breeding. Depending on the breeding, white flowers can be observed.