Jasminum sambac is a fragrant species of jasmine that belongs to the family Oleaceae and is native to tropical Asia. Due to its sweet smell and beautiful appearance, the plant has become a national flower in Indonesia and the Philippines, where it is used in perfumery, in the preparation of natural tea, and also in the creation of various jewelry for clothes and hair.
Arabian jasmine Care
Jasminum sambac

Arabian jasmine grows as a small bush or creeper up to 10 feet (3m) tall, is seedless, and usually propagates asexually.
You can easily identify Jasminum sambac by its fragrant white flowers that later turn pink and can bloom year-round in the right climate. They are formed at the ends of branches, and they usually open at night. The fruits have a purple-black color and are berries.
As for the leaves, they are not as spectacular as the flowers and have a dark green color, a smooth texture, and an elongated shape.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water the plant abundantly after the top layer of soil dries. Use a hygrometer to check the humidity level; it should be more than 60%.
In winter, use clean tools to cut off dead branches and wilted flowers, as this will help the plant avoid disease.
After the pruning process, periodically add a well-balanced fertilizer for effective plant development.
The plant needs a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight, so place it near a very sunny window.
Use well-drained humus soil that can hold water.
Use a disinfected blade to cut the healthy stem under the leaf. After that, remove the extra leaves from it, and place its end in the rooting hormone. Make a small hole in well-drained soil and plant the seedling there, covering it with a plastic bag. Once every 7-10 days, remove the bag so that the air can circulate well, and after 5-6 weeks, the first roots will appear.
The ideal temperature for Arabian jasmine is 65-75˚F (18-23°C).
A pot made of any material that has one large or several small drainage holes will do.
Fun fact
The modern term "sambac" comes from the ancient Arabic term "zanbaq", which meant the flower jasmine oil, which was very popular in the Middle Ages.
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