Vicia is a genus of about 140 species from flowering plants that are part of the legume family ( Fabaceae ), and which are usually known as the vica. The member species are native to Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa
European Vetch, Two-Seeded Vetch Care
Vicia disperma

Habit: Annual, glabrous or puberulent. Stem: sprawling, 2--6 dm. Leaf: stipules entire, lower segment spreading or ascending; leaflets +- 12--20, 7--18 mm, oblong-elliptic, +- rounded, tip often mucronate. Inflorescence: < subtending leaf; flowers 2--6, crowded near tip, axis extended beyond flowers as bristle. Flower: calyx attachment basal, tube 1.5--2 mm, lobes linear, lower 2 mm, > upper; corolla 3.5--5 mm, blue. Fruit: 1--2 cm, 5--7 mm wide, glabrous; stalk-like base +- 1 mm. Seed: 2. Chromosomes: 2n=14. Ecology: Roadsides, urban weed; Elevation: < 760 m.
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of: Control common vetch with a post-emergent two-, three-, and four-way broadleaf herbicide. Herbicides containing triclopyr and clopyralid, as well as fluroxypyr products are efficient herbicide controls.
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