The range of V. serpyllifolia is stable. Subsp. serpyllifolia occurs throughout the range of the species up to altitudes of 825 m (Cross Fell, Cumberland); subsp. humifusa is mapped separately.A low perennial herb with creeping and rooting stems. It is widespread in both natural and artificial habitats, including woodland rides, grassland, heaths, flushes, damp rock ledges, cultivated land, lawns, waste ground and damp paths. 0-1160 m (Braeriach, S. Aberdeen).
Thyme-Leaved Speedwell Care
Veronica serpyllifolia

General: Perennial from branching, creeping rhizomes, the stems 1-3 dm. long, finely puberulent, often producing prostrate, lower branches, otherwise simple. Leaves: Leaves opposite, elliptic to broadly ovate, 1-2.5 cm. long and 0.5-1 cm. wide, glabrous, entire or slightly toothed, the lower often short-petiolate, the others sessile. Flowers: Flowers on short pedicels in a loose, elongate, terminal raceme, the upper subtending bracts alternate; sepals 4; corolla bright blue to white, 4-8 mm. wide, rotate, 4-lobed, the upper lobe the largest; style 2-3.5 mm. long; stamens 2. Fruits: Capsule 3-4 mm. high, broader than high, notched, finely glandular-pubescent,
How to get rid of: Use the gel (Roundup Gel) or ready-to-use spray (e.g Roundup Fast Action Ready-to-Use, SBM Job done General Purpose Weedkiller, Doff Glyphosate Weedkiller Ready-to-Use) on patches of speedwell. Leave the weed for three to four weeks for the weedkiller to take effect, before removing dead foliage.
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