Many people look to add shrubbery to their gardens, around their yards, or in carefully placed pots. As one of the fastest-growing shrubs, Sprinter Boxwood is an excellent choice for those who want to have hedges in their yards quickly.
Dwarf Boxwoods Care
Buxus microphylla 'Sprinter'
Other names: Dwarf Boxwoods, Sprinter Boxwood

Many species are identified within the Boxwood family, but the Sprinter Boxwood is known for its smaller height and fast growth. They’re an extremely hardy shrub as well and will last all year long with minimal care required. Sprinter Boxwoods handle heavy pruning well and can be groomed into specific shapes!
This shrub naturally grows rounded, adding charm to any garden landscape. This means they’ll require space to reach their rounded shape, so leave room between plants. They can also occasionally bloom small, white flowers during the spring.
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How to Care for the Plant
A weekly watering that saturates the soil is best for this plant but be sure not to overwater, which may cause root rot. The Sprinter Boxwood will require more water during higher temperatures and in warmer climates.
Pruning is unnecessary unless you want to achieve a shaped shrub or remove overgrown branches.
Sprinter Boxwood requires bi-annual fertilization. Be sure to keep the leaves clear of the fertilizer and provide plenty of water for this shrub.
This plant thrives in all weather conditions but prefers direct sunlight. They can handle shade but will require periods of full sunlight.
You’ll need loamy soil or well-draining soil to keep your Sprinter Boxwood happy.
Small cuttings work best for propagation and should be 3 - 4 inches (0.07 - 0.10 m) in length for best results.
Dwarf Boxwood “Sprinter” is an all-season plant and can withstand high and freezing temperatures. The ideal temperature range for the plant is 60-80°F (15-26°C).
A large pot with drainage holes will be best, as this shrub likes to spread out. Alternatively, this shrub does well in garden plots where it can drain easily.
Fun fact
The Sprinter Boxwood is a natural deer repellent and blooms all year long.
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