Senecio lividus is a species of ragweed (Senecio) in the sunflower family (Asteraceae).
Livid Groundsel Care
Senecio lividus

Senecio lividus is an annual stem therophyte that smells of fennel and reaches heights of 20 to 70 centimeters. The head position has glandular hairs. The 3 to 5 outer bracts are green and 2 to 2.5 millimeters long, while the inner ones are 10 millimeters longer. The length of the ray florets corresponds to a third to a quarter of the length of the envelope. The fruit is 3 millimeters in size.
The flowering period extends from April to June
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of: The old saying “Pull when wet; hoe when dry” is wise advice when facing down weeds. After a drenching rain, stage a rewarding weeding session by equipping yourself with gloves, a sitting pad, and a trug or tarp for collecting the corpses. As you head out the door, slip an old table fork into your back pocket because there’s nothing better for twisting out tendrils of henbit or chickweed. When going after bigger thugs, use a fishtail weeder to pry up taprooted weeds, like dandelion or dock.
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