It is a species of plants of the family Orobanchaceae, common in Morocco, Algeria, Europe, Asia.
Perennial plant 15β60 cm tall. The whole plant is powdery-glandular-hairy. Stems slightly woody at the base, usually simple. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate. Inflorescence short cylindrical, sparse. Corolla light blue or blue-violet, yellowish at the base. Corolla 20β23 mm long, almost straight or slightly curved, slightly dilated at the top. Seeds obovate or ellipsoidal, 0.45β0.55 Γ 0.3β0.35 mm; the surface is slightly shiny, dark brown. 2n = 24
How to get rid of:
Weeds can be removed manually by uprooting or cutting them close to the ground from time to time.