Medicago scutellata is a plant species of the genus Medicago. It is found throughout the Mediterranean basin.
Snail Medic, Shield Medic Care
Medicago scutellata

Stem: prostrate to decumbent, 2--6 dm. Leaf: stipules ovate to lanceolate, dentate near base, +- hairy abaxially; leaflets 1--1.5 cm, obovate to elliptic. Inflorescence: 1--3-flowered, peduncle < petiole. Flower: calyx 2.5--3 mm; corolla 6--7 mm, yellow to orange-yellow, wings < keel. Fruit: coiled 4--8 turns, coils convex, overlapped; gray, glandular-hairy, prickles 0. Seed: several. Chromosomes: 2n=32. Ecology: Uncommon. Disturbed areas, roadsides
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of:
Snail medics are relatively easy to control in the home garden by hand-pulling, cultivation, and the application of mulch. In large, landscaped areas herbicides may also be necessary.
Adjust the fertilizer program to include more nitrogen and less phosphorus in turfgrass.
Mulches can be effective in excluding clovers and other weeds in landscapes.
Can be easily controlled by hand-pulling, hoeing, or cultivation. Mulching, depending on the size and depth of the mulch, can prevent seedling establishment. Before seeds germinate, a 4-inch thick organic mulch (e.g., compost, wood chips, etc.) can prevent establishment
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How to Care for the Plant
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