It is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabaceae
Red Fodder Pea Care
Lathyrus annuus

General description:- Medium to tall, clambering, hairless annual. Stem:- 40-150 cm, winged. Leaves:- Alternate, compound pinnate (with more than three leaflets), with 2 narrowand parallel-sided leaflets forming a "V", like blades of grass, from 5-15cm length,hairless, with central tendril much branched. 2 long stipules, less than 1,5 mmacross, extremely sharp and herbaceous. Flowers:- Racemes 1- to 3-flowered borne in a long stalks. Calyx-teeth equal, aslong as or slightly longer than tube; corolla 12-18 mm, yellow or orange-yellow,often red-veined. Fruit:- Legume 30-80 x 7-12 mm, pale brown, glandular when young, glabrescent.Seeds 7-8, with small, wart-like projections or small nipple-like projections(tuberculate or papillose); hilum 1/10-1/9 of the circumference.
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of: Put on gloves and gently pull out the plant with the root system, you can use a shovel for convenience
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