Hyoscyamus albus, the white henbane or yellow henbane, is a plant in the family of Solanaceae. It is found in Southern Europe.Hyoscýamus álbus is a biennial or annual herb, a species of the genus Hyoscyamus of the Solanaceae family.
White Henbane Care
Hyoscyamus albus

Bluish-green annual or biennial (winter), occasionally perennial, plant. The root is woody, vertical. Stem 5-50 cm high, herbaceous, straight or ascending, simple or branched at the top, densely pubescent with protruding, long, sticky hairs. The leaves are small, glandular-hairy along the veins, all petiolate. Stem leaves are broad-ovate, sometimes to almost round, with a cordate, truncated or broadly wedge-shaped base, sharply narrowed towards the apex, shortly sharpened or obtuse, shallow notched-lobed or coarsely toothed, on each side with three to five spaced, triangular, wide, blunt or sharp, uneven and often asymmetrically spaced blades or teeth. Bracts - the same as stem, or narrower, spaced-toothed. The flowers are all almost sessile or lower on noticeable, 5-10 mm long pedicels. Calyx tubular-bell-shaped, slightly wider in fruit, increased (1.5-2.5 cm long), with short, 4-6 times shorter than the tube, wide, triangular, sharp, almost equal teeth, outside protruding glandular-hairy , at the end with a sharp protruding network of veins. Corolla with a pale yellow, monochromatic limb and yellow or purple fauces, with a tube almost equal to the limb; the limb is noticeably oblique, with unequal lobes. The stamens are unequal, the longer ones are almost equal to the corolla, with filaments, hairy in the lower part, attached to the lower part of the tube. Column glabrous, equal to stamens. The capsule is one and a half times shorter than the calyx, with a convex lid. Seeds are about 1.5 mm long, 1-1.25 mm wide, whitish-gray, reniform, cellular, with cells separated by thick septa. Blooms in May - September. Fruiting from June.
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of: Put on gloves and gently pull out the plant with the root system, you can use a shovel for convenience.
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How to Care for the Plant
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