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Hornungia Petraea Care

Hornungia petraea

Hornungia Petraea main
Hornungia Petraea 0
Hornungia Petraea 1
What is the plant

Hornungia petraea (also Hutchinsia petraea) is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. It is native to North and South America, Eurasia, Africa, Macaronesia.

General description:- Small annuals. Stems:- 2-15 cm, slender. Leaves:- All composed of more than three leaflets (pinnate); basal leaves arrangedin a rosette (rosulate), stalked (petiolate), with 3-15 or more ovate, lanceolate orobovate, acute segments; cauline leaves few, stalkless (sessile). Flowers:- Petals 0·5-1 mm, as long as or slightly longer than the sepals. Fruit:- Silicula 2-2·5(-3) mm, narrowly elliptical to ovate or obovate; valvescompressed, with a distinct median vein. Bis 15 cm hoch, Stängel dünn, oft verzweigt, mit kaum 0,1 mm langen Sternhaaren. Blätter der grundständigen Rosette und des unteren Stängels gestielt, obere sitzend, bis auf die Mittelrippe fiederteilig, jederseits mit 3-6 ovalen, bis 5 mm langen Abschnitten und +/- gleich grossem Endabschnitt, kahl. Kelchblätter 0,5-0,8 mm, Kronblätter weiss, 0,7-1 mm lang, am Grund nur wenig verschmälert. Früchte eiförmig, 2-2,5 mm lang, Stiele waagrecht-abstehend. Fruchtstand verlängert.Small (3-15 cm tall) short pubescent plant. Basal leaves in a rosette, pinnately dissected. The flowers are very small. The pod is oval, its valves are keeled, wingless. Blossoms and bears fruit in April-May. Grows in rocky and rocky places.

This plant is useful.

How to get rid of: Mulch the aisles. A great option is to spread the mowed grass left, for example, from the lawn, between the cultivated plants. But it must be laid in a thick layer of at least 5 cm - weeds cannot germinate through such mulch.

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