Glabrous glaucous annual, rarely biennial; stems up to 40cm, simple or with 2 or 3 rarely to 7 branches from the base with many (to 16) axillary rays distally which repeatedly fork up to 2-5 times into rays or raylets; cauline leaves sessile, obovate or spathulate to linear-oblong, 5-30 x 3-5 mm, cuneate, acuminate or truncate, entire, central nerve prominent on lower face and ending in a mucro; ray leaves like the cauline; raylet leaves asymmetrically suborbicular or broadly elliptic-ovate, 1-10 rarely 20 mm long and 1-10 mm wide, acuminate to aristate, subentire, green, tinged red all over or on the margins only
Sickle Spurge Care
Euphorbia falcata

What is the plant
High. 10-20 cm . Plant glabrous, glaucous. Very branchy stem. Leaves gen. spatulate , 0.5-2 cm long, sessile, entire, obtuse or apiculate, the cauline caducous. Umbel gen. with 3 branched rays. Bracts subtriangular, broadly rounded at the base, tapering to a point at the end, not fused. Crescent glands, yellow, with 2 filiform horns. Smooth capsule, 2-2.5 mm long. Invasive in the western US.
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