Sedum 'Little Missy' is a perennial plant in the Crassulaceae family. It is distinguished by its ability to grow rapidly and cover the soil. Since this plant is unpretentious in care and tolerates drought well, it has achieved popularity among gardeners and as a houseplant.
Sedum 'Little Missy' Care
Sedum 'Little Missy'
Other names: Little Missy Sedum, Sedum ‘petite Bicolor’

Sedum 'Little Missy' is a low-growing herbaceous plant up to 4 inches (10cm) high. The plant has heart-shaped leaves; they are flat, smooth, and green with a white border. A cherry stroke runs along the edge of each leaf, and pink flowers appear in late summer.
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How to Care for the Plant
You can water the plant infrequently but abundantly. Let the soil dry out between waterings; it should remain slightly damp. In winter, you may reduce the number of waterings.
Regularly carry out sanitary pruning and bush shaping. It will help the succulent not waste energy on dead leaves and damaged sprouts. Young plants may also need pinching off the side sprouts to encourage growth.
You can fertilize Sedum 'Little Missy' once a month during the summer. Use ready-made fertilizers for cacti.
Sedum 'Little Missy' needs a lot of bright light. This plant can even tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. If you are growing the plant indoors, it may require additional lighting with fluorescent lamps in winter.
Choose a neutral to slightly acid soil for the plant. Do not forget about good drainage. If you want to create ideal conditions for your plant, take perlite, expanded clay, and charcoal. Mix materials in equal proportions, and before planting young plants, add fertilizer to the soil.
You can propagate Sedum 'Little Missy' by rooting a leaf or cutting. You can put a leaf in wet sand, and it will grow on its own. If you plan to propagate by cuttings, you should dry them first. You can also divide the bush when transplanting.
In summer, Sedum needs high temperatures. Keep the temperature between 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit (25-30 Celsius). Winter should be cool. At this time, the temperature can be 55-61 (13-16) degrees.
Since Sedum 'Little Missy' tends to grow broader, you should choose a wide and ample container. You can also grow the plant outdoors. Remember that large trees can cover a stunted plant with leaves, so it is better to choose spacious areas.
Fun fact
The plant's juice helps normalize blood pressure and calms the nervous system.
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