Callisia fragrans (Basket plant) is an easy-care houseplant that will bring an exotic feel to your rooms or porch. These greenies look similar to bromeliads, grow long, hardy leaves, and produce aromatic white flowers, so they really do have everything you could look for in an exotic houseplant.
Basket plant Care
Callisia fragrans

Callisia fragrans is native to South America and Mexico and goes by many names. It got its “Basket plant” name from its flowers that look like they are placed in little “baskets.” Callisia fragrans grows long leaves reaching up to 35 inches (89 cm) in length. Basket plants have medicinal properties such as antioxidant and antibacterial powers. Like many other houseplants, they also purify the air in the room.
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How to Care for the Plant
Overwatering is one of the main reasons your drought-resistant plant might feel sick in the future, so keep the watering at a low frequency. The soil needs to have almost a gritty texture on the surface before you water the plant again; otherwise, your Callisia can start developing root rot. Don’t keep your greenie on a watering plate. This leafy beauty does not enjoy stagnant water!
Although this plant spreads rapidly and can become invasive if planted directly on the soil, potted plants only need pruning for ornamental purposes. Cut above the node whenever you need to trim your green pet. Always use a sterilized blade or scissors.
You can pick any fertilizer as long as you avoid the ones high in nitrogen. Nitrogen might prevent flowers from growing. Feed your greenie monthly in spring and summer. Don’t fertilize it in the colder months.
This plant is very sun-loving, so it needs at least 3-4 hours of bright light to start developing the magnificent purple leaves. It’s best to keep it in the brightest areas in your house, for instance, next to an east-facing window.
Use gritty, loamy soil. You can also add organic compost to keep the potting mix fertile. Try to maintain it at a neutral pH of 6.8-7 or more.
Propagation is best done through cuttings. If you have stems that have developed air roots already, it is best to take those for propagation. Cut a healthy piece above the node and put this directly into the soil in its new container. The air roots will grow into full roots when planted.
Basket plants thrive at 70°F (21°C). It is also essential to ensure some humidity. It’s best to mist your Callisia. As a subtropical plant, it needs both light and temperature to be adjusted to its needs, so try to imitate its native climate as much as possible.
Don’t use a container that is too large; even if you see the leaves growing long over the year, Basket plants prefer to be root-bound. Use a container with drainage holes. A ceramic pot would be one of the best options.
Fun fact
One of the best-kept secrets of this plant is that, with enough light, its leaves will start turning purple, up to the point where purple overtakes the green on them!
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