Plectranthus barbatus (Blue Spur Flower) - A fast growing erect large shrub to 6 to 8+ feet tall by as wide with thick stems holding large 4 to 6 inch long ovate light green leaves that are lightly fuzzy and have small dentations along the margins. In fall through late spring and often well into summer appear the showy dark blue-purple flowers arranged in stacked verticils, each holding 6 to 8 flowers, arranged along in a 10 inch long inflorescence.
Plectranthus Barbatus Care
Coleus Barbatus

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How to Care for the Plant
water occasionally - pretty drought tolerant but certainly looks more lush with some regular irrigation.
It tends to sprawl to some extent so needs to be regularly tip-pruned in spring and summer to keep it a little more compact and promote more flower spikes.
It enjoys being mulched and fed occasionally.
Plant in full sun to part shade
average well-drained rich
Will resprout after a frost freezes top growth and seems root hardy to 20 to 25 °F but evergreen only in near frostless conditions - useful in USDA zones 9 -11.
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