Resilient, vigorously growing, small tree with a trunk up to 60 cm in diameter. It can reach a height of 30 cm. Grows well on poor soils. The species is native to the savannas of Papua New Guinea, the islands of the Torres Strait, and the northern areas of Australia. It has been successfully propagated in Indonesia and Malaysia.Large fuelwood plantations have been established in Indonesia. The species is well suited for fuelwood, with a high specific gravity (0.6-0.75) and a calorific value of 4,800-4,900 keel per kg. The wood yield excellent charcoal that glows well and burns without smoke or sparks. The trees do not coppice well unless cut 50 cm above the ground. Cut over stands regenerate rapidly. The tree grow quickly even in unmanaged plots on poor soils. In Papua New Guinea, trees grew to 6 m in 2 years, with a diameter of 5 cm. The species is also a good source of pulpwood, and provides shade.