The Mountain Rose grows is a deciduous, stocky shrub which will grow to about 2m in height. The stems are almost thornless and produce single flowers in dark pink with a yellow centre. Fully hardy to -30C.
Alpine Rose Care
Rosa Pendulina

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How to Care for the Plant
By allowing the first watering to soak in well before the second amount of water is applied, the water is going deeply into the soil around each rose bush. a few key items to consider in the area of watering or keeping out roses watered are: be sure your rose bushes are well watered/hydrated before the application of any pesticide.
It is important to never remove more than a third of the foliage in any one year and to cut just above a node on the stem.
When it comes to fertilizers, you want to avoid over-fertilizing (just like an overdose of vitamins isn't great for us, either). Less is more, so it’s important to follow what the package says for application amounts.
Indoors, keep your plant in an area having plenty of bright filtered light.
Use a well-draining indoor potting mix with perlite to help with drainage.
Fully hardy to -30C.
Use a ceramic porous pot with a good drainage.
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