The Petunia flower can come in many different colours including red, white, yellow, blue and fuchsia, they can also be dual coloured or spotted. A most useful tender bedding plant, commonly sold in garden centers as pot and plug plants. You can sow at home but it needs to be started in heat in late winter. There are bush varieties ideal for pots and trailing varieties such as Surfinia and Million Bells which make great basket plants - a well fed Surfinia can cascade over 1 meter. The flowers go over discreetly, although they can be spoilt by heavy rain - pick off faded flowers if they are unsightly. Plant out after all danger of frost is past - late spring in the south to mid-summer in Scotland. 'Black Cat' is a black flowered petunia
Petunia 'black Cat' Care
Petunia 'black Cat'
Other names: Black Velvet Petunia, Burpee

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep plants well-watered during the growing season, especially during dry spells. Plants need about 1 inch of rain per week during the growing season.
Remove spent flower spikes to encourage flowering and prevent seed development. Pinching the growing tips of plants can encourage bushiness.
After new growth appears, a light fertilizer may be applied. Keep granular fertilizers away from the plant crown and foliage to avoid burn injury. Use low rates of a slow release fertilizer, as higher rates may encourage root rots.
Select a location in full sun
good rich moist, well-drained organic soil.
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