Cactus species Rebutia canigueralii has an extra small bloom in a vibrant dark orange-red color with yellow near the base and throat. Blooms average 3/4" to 1"+ in diameter. Although the individual blooms are fairly small Rebutia canigueralii can have several blooms on each stem, and if grown into a large mound or cluster Rebutia canigueralii will get large mass blooms that can have dozens of blooms opening all at the same time. Rebutia canigueralii blooms throughout the warm season but blooms best in spring. Individual stem growth is light green with blackish areoles, growth is small averaging 1" to 1-1/4" in diameter on average for each stem. Apex is slightly indented. A single plant can quickly produce multiple pups or offsets creating a large mound or cluster in a relatively short period of time. Large mounds can reach 4 to 6" above the soil line
Sulcorebutia Rauschii Care
Rebutia Canigueralii

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How to Care for the Plant
It requires moderately watering through the growing season. This can be done weekly or more frequently during the summertime, if the weather is sunny enough, but allow to dry fully before watering again. Kept this way, plants will show a healthy growth. Keep rather dry as soon as the temperature starts dropping in October and keep it strictly dry throughout the winter quiescent period since ot is very sensitive to any moisture excesses. The plants may survives outside without protection in winter (cold hardy to -5° ) but is then somewhat prone to rot, too.
Give an occasional high potassium liquid feed during the active growing period.
Light shade when young, full sun later ( light shadow my be useful in the hot summer days)
It loves a very permeable, coarse mineral soil.
Plants are and quite frost hardy -5 (-15)° C but preferably overwinter in a cool place (at 0/10°C). They need to be kept in a cool place during winter rest. This is important for the flowers, as well as for their health. Without this cool winter period, they normally won't get many buds.
it require a deep pot suited to accommodate the swollen root, repotting with fresh potting-mix should be done every other year or when the plant has outgrown its pot. However, repotting doesn't necessarily mean they'll need larger containers. To prevent rottenness it is also advisable to surround its root neck by very rough sand or grit, this help a fast water drainage.
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