If you live anywhere north of growing zone 10b and don’t have a climate controlled greenhouse, the answer is probably no. If you do meet one of those requirements, you’re in luck. Cassia tree info tells us that, depending on the species, these trees come in evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous types with brilliant pink, orange, red, white, or yellow flowers. Yellow is the most common flower type and gives the tree one of its many common names, the gold medallion tree. Each flower is only about two to three inches (5-7.5 cm.) wide but appear in clusters along densely packed racemes that on a mature growing cassia tree can reach two feet (0.5 m.) long. The light green leaves of the cassia tree are pinnate with six to twelve pairs of long oval leaflets and grow to two feet or more. Once flowering is over, the flowers are replaced with seed pods.
Indian-laburnum Care
Cassia Fistula

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How to Care for the Plant
Water garden cassia approximately once a week with 1 to 2 inches of water. Do this for the first year after planting. Established plants only require irrigation during dry periods when the soil begins to dry out completely. Water potted cassia when the top 1 inch of soil feels dry.
Trim out dead branches or leaves at any time during the growing season
add a handful of slow release fertilizer
Provide cassia with a full six hours or more of daily sunlight.
Grow cassia in well-drained soil that isn't prone to standing water. Cassia tolerates and grows well in most moderate-quality garden soil.
the average annual temperatures is 18 - 29°c
All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested.
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