Sansevieria Cylindrica (Dracaena angolensis) is a perennial plant from the Asparagaceae family. This exotic, tough greenie is cultivated worldwide as an indoor culture.
Sansevieria Cylindrica Care
Sansevieria cylindrica

Sansevieria Cylindrica is an evergreen herbaceous plant. It does not lose its leaves and adapts to dry conditions well. The plant has a shallow root system and no stem. The height of the leaves is 47-80 inches (120-200cm). When this succulent blooms, a tall single peduncle appears. The flowers are small, white, or light pink, with a strong smell.
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How to Care for the Plant
Sansevieria Cylindrica does not need abundant watering. Excess moisture can actually harm your plant. It would be enough to irrigate your green pet just once a week in summer and a couple of times a month in winter. Excess liquid can actually harm your plant.
Your Sansevieria Cylindrica does not require pruning. However, if the leaves of the plant have been damaged or withered, you can cut them off with a sharp and clean tool.
Sansevieria Cylindrica grows slowly, so it does not need much feeding. However, you can still occasionally use succulent nutrient mixes to boost your green pet's health. Your Sansevieria will like a mineral fertilizer for indoor flowers, but you must reduce its dosage twice. The amount of dressing usually depends on the freshness of the soil.
This plant prefers diffused sunlilight. Your best bet is to put it next to a north-facing window.
Your greenie requires neutral or slightly acidic soil. You can use a universal potting mix for growing succulents. To prepare the growing medium yourself, combine leafy soil and coarse sand with two parts of turf and half of humus. Don't forget to disinfect the substrate.
The African Spear plant can be propagated in a variety of ways. It is recommended to use plant seed cuttings. You can also divide an adult bush into several ones.
This succulent is not very tender and can grow in temperatures of 53-77°F (12-25°C). In winter, however, we recommend moving the plant to a cooler location with a temperature of about 58°F (15°C).
The container must fit the plant in size; however, the material does not matter much. Sansevieria Cylindrica will grow well in both plastic and ceramic pots. A shallow and wide vessel will fit your succulent best. Don't forget to check if your pot has proper drainage!
Fun fact
This succulent is a great air purifier. There is a variety of toxins it can filter!
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