Bhut Jolokia, the ghosts’ chili pepper, was in the Guinness Book of Records from 2007 to 2011 as the hottest chili in the world. It was also the first chili to break one million Scoville on the Scale of the same name. Just 10 years ago, many chili connoisseurs thought it impossible for a chili to be so hot.After Bhut Jolokia had been considered the hottest chili in the world for four years, she was dethroned by Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chili. She lost her crown after only one year and was declassified by the Carolina Reaper in 2013.Bhut Jolokia has her nickname “ghost chili” because of her devilish sharpness. In fact, it can be dangerous for some popular people to taste this chili. It has happened before that inexperienced chili-eaters collapsed. It is also possible to hallucinate in pain and see ghosts.Like most chili peppers with a high concentration of capsaicin, Chili Bhut Jolokia belongs to the genus Capsicum chinense. Capsicum is the botanical term for chili and pepper plants. Chinense is the genus whose origin lies in the South American Amazon basin.
Habanero Chilli 'bhut Jolokia' Care
Capsicum Chinense 'bhut Jolokia'

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How to Care for the Plant
Do not water the soil with too much water. It can withstand dryness quite well and shrinks quickly if your feet are too wet. It is advisable to check the soil for dryness with a finger before watering.
Fertilization is essential, so never remove the male flowers.
Bhut Jolokia plants can use a lot of fertilizer to produce their countless orange to red chili peppers. The fertilizer should not contain too much nitrogen.
This type of chili needs a lot of warmth, sun
Loamy, Sandy, Well-drained
keep the germination temperature between 23° and 27° Celsius
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